Monday, November 29, 2010

You can't sharpen a knife with a feather..

I got the opportunity to be on the 3pm leadership call with Kami Dempsey--simply amazing! I was asked for tips for diamond and above. My initial thoughts were simple-- Everyday|Every time|Without Fail|No Exceptions.It wasn't until I sat down with my pen and paper--left alone to my sparatic thoughts that it dawned on me...BELIEF is everything. Belief in yourself, your company and your product. The power of the mind is far more powerful than many of us understand.

My success comes not only from within but from an amazing group of individuals who are strong, motivated, empathetic and genuine. Each has their own unique way of running there business--each compliments the other. We work together when needed and you're never left feeling alone. My success comes from your success. I'm talking about the people who want to make a change, who are passionate and HUNGRY for more.

I've said it before, Paul D. Cummings said it best... It is possible, to have it be passionate, have fun and make obscene amounts of money. I personally love being under-worked and over-paid...We are ordinary people, doing extraordinary things. What do you believe?  "It is never to late to become the person you might have been."

Lets think about this: energy well directed creates success. People will get out of the way for people with energy.
Set a daily goal. Look at the big picture, where do you want to be and what do you need to do to get there? Break it down over the amount of time you would like to have achieved it and create a list of DAILY goals. STOP doing second things, first. JUST DO IT.
Life is supposed to be a mission, not an intermission! Define your life purpose, figure out your WHY. Then take ACTION>CAUSE>EFFECT>DIRECTION>Shape your destiny. LIVE IN ACCORDANCE WITH YOUR PURPOSE!!

Believe in your ability to make a difference. Are you operating everyday with maximum belief? Paul D. Cummings gives us the level 10 guidelines:
1. I will be on time at all times (this is my bad spot!)
2.I will maintain a positive attitude at all times.
3. I will support my teammates at all times.
4. I will be the most enthusiastic person in the room at all times (so very easy for me)
5.I will operate with level 10 energy at all times.
6.I will seek to expand my knowledge and skill at all times.
7. I will work to the best of my ability,
8. I will operate with unbridled passion at all times.
9. I will do what is in the best interest of my team at all times.
10. i will seek to make a difference to everyone in attendance at all times.

The products we have are revolutionary...we are changing the health world and opening doors we never thought we could. Our Ultimate Body Applicator is only one of the fabulous products we offer. Changing the world from a Pharmaceutic world to a nutraceutic is not easy but together we can make a huge impact. Over 106,000 people die every year in the US from adverse side effects from their medication. What if you were able to change just one life? Would your live be worth it? Mine would. I know for a fact I've made a bigger dent than that. With that being said I'm asking you to follow suit, believe in yourself and put your wings on! Lets take the journey together!

Passion prevails when everything else fails..<3

1 comment:

  1. Sarah I just wanted to say Thank You for inviting me to the leadership call today! It was just what I needed to kick my butt in gear!! You are an amazing woman! So full of energy, passion, and ideas! I look forward to spending more time with you in the near future!! Stacy Cox
