Tuesday, November 9, 2010


So during every life, every business opportunity, every relationship there is always...what? A ROADBLOCK. There is something getting in the way of your full capability... whether it be a childhood issue or an adult insecurity. You will face more than one roadblock during your challenge with It Works, Perhaps your issue is "Im shy" or maybe "Right now, Im just in a very hard spot in life". Well, sista--trust me, I get you-- people go thou things...times get tough, relationships get hard, they fall apart. I've heard EVERY excuse, Ive met every challenge, every issue....we all have them...LIFE IS ROUGH.

You're challenge is... What is stopping me? Why am I Afraid? (Grab a pen and follow along). Today is about..changing YOUR beliefs. (Mind you, it's 1:04 in the MORNING...and after celebrating the STEELERS win..i am still feeling the pull in my heart to tell you this..so please, take the time to take me seriously.)

Establishing your belief: Well, let me start with telling you MY belief in our company: I have found a product that can change lives, that can relate in a way no human can. I can cure ailments, I can spot reduce.. I can stabilize blood sugar, ease diabetes, Aile in arthritis, lower blood pressure..cure, naturally.I have the ability to heal.

On to the company: I have been around for 10 years, I come from the U.S.A! I have turned myself into the ultimate job opportunity. I am now known by the people, trusted by the people and founded by determined. Think about it, we are now a part of the best...we have been "grand-fathered" in by the beginning of May-Kay, AVON, Arbon...the beginning stages of the BEST of the beauty world.

MY BELIEF IN YOU: I believe, we can do anything. We can survive on our own, we can care for our children without father, without second income. I believe we can be a part of the revolution. I believe we can own our boat. Here's something to write down and answer: What did you come to achieve? What did you expect to get? What do YOU believe you can accomplish??

I know a few things... you have a  strong leadership team behind you, BEGGING for more work...we want to share the wealth with everyone possible..we want to put our wings on..and MAKE A DIFFRENCE,

There are a few different things between you and I (perhaps--you may be one of my leaders reading this right now, if so I encourage you to scream HELL YA!) The momentum wheel: BELIEF=ACTION=RESULTS-CERTAINTY.

So...lets say you have these negative beliefs.."i cant do it" "i don't think I know" "I dont have the time." "I can't talk to new people.", "I dont know the products", "I've already spoken to all the people I know." ,"I CAN'T!"
some of you may have the negative beliefs AFTER you sign up (i did!) some of you may be avoiding signing up because you do...Well, why the self doubt? Why the excuses? Why are you limiting yourself & NOT taking MASSIVE ACTION? Cmon! Empower yourself, Do what they said you couldn't, The more belief you have the more action you take the more momentum you gain the more power you have! SHOW ME SOME HEART!  What do you know? This is a GREAT way to start your financial freedom, this is a NEW huge opportunity...changing the way we think! YOU CAN DO ANYTHING!

Do me a favor....write down a few things that are possible if you let go of your negative beliefs. I realized mine during a CRUSH IT event: I CA ACHIEVE FINANCIAL FREEDOM, I CAN BE MY OWN BOSS, I CAN OWN A NEW HOUSE, I CAN BUY A NEW CAR, I WAS BORN TO LEAD! 

Tell yourself, in-vision a change.. your consciousness is key. I WILL NOT FAIL. I WILL MAKE THAT DOUBLE DIGIT PAYCHECK! Ask youself what you already know, what can change YOUR life today?

Remember...what you seek, you shall find. What I've done in my past will not matter if I can't do anything for you RIGHT NOW. We've already broken records team....you got this. Love you, xo <3