Monday, November 8, 2010


One of the joys of having a blog is that it allows me to put my abstract, out of control thoughts into one area. I've had a few blogs in the past and would get letters from friends and strangers thanking me for a daily laugh, some motivation or simply just being honest. At this moment, I'm going to pull the honest card. I received a message this morning that I was spreading rumors about Don Stump, Lifestyles head hancho. Now, I can only guess who would be so inclined to read this blog and pass information forward, that of one who has failed on many on many attempts to run a successful-well, anything. SO I feel the need not only to take my first bow at offending a local with my so-called "made up" well as a little dance for being important enough for people who don't even care about me to read! Weeew! (This is a little clue on why I named my company Talk About It <--if people are booing you, if you're getting're doing something right in most cases. Today, I in fact am right.) Here is the message I received:

It was brought my attention that you started a blog and it mentioned Don's name, so of course I read it. Just thought you should know that he has NOT been indited and will not be indited. That is defimation of character when you say things about people that are untrue, so you should be careful what you are posting and get your facts right before making assumptions. 
I understand that your departure from Lifestyles did not go the way we had all orignially planned, but it goes both ways and we would not wish ill will on you and what you are doing with your career and life at this point, and would appreciate if you did not spread rumors about us too. 
Just my thoughts.

Well, I of course took the liberty to turn the hearsay into research. Of course, I would not want to slander someones name if it were in fact NOT true. So as I prepared to apologize (even though I have witnessed the practices held within the lifestyles company, I will apologize if I were in the wrong.) Here is what I found:

Well, there's my apology. It Works team, I hope you got a laugh because this did not give you ANY valuable information, other than your leader is telling you the truth! More tonight, after 2 HUGE wrap parties!

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