Sunday, November 7, 2010


You know, I used to be a personal trainer. I used to LIVE in the gym. It was fulfilling for me to coach people into being able to change their lives--there was one problem. I could stand behind you while you ran, day in and day out on the treadmill. I could spend HOURS of my life telling you not that, eat this.. read this book, drink this shake and buy these dvds. Yes, my client-el would see results but it was never as easy as they thought and in some cases it was physically impossible. I had a deep longing for more. I looked into aerobics instruction, I tried being a beach body coach (again, with the shake..and after more research found that the product I was selling you, wasn't really any good at all). I still spent countless hours at the gym, creating relationships. When I was forced to resign by the now indited Don Stump of Lifestyles For Ladies Only (we'll go there another day) my world was turned upside down. All my ladies, all my hours--all the tears I have shared, relationships I had built--gone. POOF! Just like that. No, I didn't have a plan B.

I spent the next few months networking--mastered some of my greatest achievements and some how made it month to month on odd end jobs. My grandfather was right, I was going to end up drawing comics for the Toledo Blade-- at this point, that seemed like a pretty damned good job to me. Lucky for me there was something lurking around the corner, something that would change my life forever.

I finally made the call. I had seen her vacations posted all over facebook, her achievements and aspirations--Carrie had successfully built herself to one of the top spots in Pure Romance. I decided that no matter what, I needed to do something for me and now was my time. Boy was Papa going to be mad at me, now i'm selling vibrating "dolls" yeah, I could just imagine the dinner conversation and the shunning. Carrie answered her phone and abruptly told me NO. NO is not something I like hearing... but before I could get upset she went on to tell me she had found something amazing.. and I should trust her. Trust her I did (and thank GOD). I paid my $199 to become an It Works distributor.

Josh and I came home from a night on the town and thought, what the hey...lets try one of these wrap thingys and see if it really DOES work. Well ladies & gents, Im sure you can figure it out-- IT WORKED. I lost 4 and 1/4 inches with my first body applicator & Josh--just shy of 3 inches. The next morning.. I awoke to a whole new world.

My mind rattled with thoughts: Do you understand what we have here? I now have motivation, hope-- health... a MIRACLE! This whole time I had been longing for something I could share with the world. Something to make it a better place, healthier place--too many times had I seen the pain and suffering in the eyes of the unhealthy--desperate, alone and out of hope.  It Works has allowed me to become the vessel of hope I had always wanted to be. Together we are changing the course of many lives... not only physically (15 inch loss in Fayetteville, NC say whhaaaat!!!) but financially as well. I have had the opportunity to put my wings on. 

My WHY is for everyone else. My WHY isn't mine at all... its every life I come into contact with that I have the ability to change in one way or another. Its all the beautiful, valued relationships that make my why. You reading this, are a part of my why. The ability to stand on my own two feet and hold a few others up while at WHY.  My drive? Yeah, that could take a lot longer than I have to spare right now but lets call it-- HaHa Papa, looks like I wont be drawing in the Toledo Blade but bet your bottom right, I'll be on the cover!

Whats your WHY? If your why isn't strong enough to make you cry---you might need to keep searching. It is your why that will give you the power to think beyond yourself, to get up and manage your business in an effort to help everyone, to make a difference. 

When you run a business that is NOT about me me me... you will have great success. When you change someones life everyday you will have great success. When you get up and repeat you will have great success. 

I often get asked "How'd you do it?" my answer to you is.. I just did. Make today the day you inspire someone else. Make today the day you promise to stop DREAMING about it and just DO IT.

There is no try; there is do, or do not.

Do all the good you can,
By all the means you can,
In all the ways you can,
In all the places you can,
At all the times you can,
To all the people you can,
As long as ever you can!

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