Monday, November 29, 2010

You can't sharpen a knife with a feather..

I got the opportunity to be on the 3pm leadership call with Kami Dempsey--simply amazing! I was asked for tips for diamond and above. My initial thoughts were simple-- Everyday|Every time|Without Fail|No Exceptions.It wasn't until I sat down with my pen and paper--left alone to my sparatic thoughts that it dawned on me...BELIEF is everything. Belief in yourself, your company and your product. The power of the mind is far more powerful than many of us understand.

My success comes not only from within but from an amazing group of individuals who are strong, motivated, empathetic and genuine. Each has their own unique way of running there business--each compliments the other. We work together when needed and you're never left feeling alone. My success comes from your success. I'm talking about the people who want to make a change, who are passionate and HUNGRY for more.

I've said it before, Paul D. Cummings said it best... It is possible, to have it be passionate, have fun and make obscene amounts of money. I personally love being under-worked and over-paid...We are ordinary people, doing extraordinary things. What do you believe?  "It is never to late to become the person you might have been."

Lets think about this: energy well directed creates success. People will get out of the way for people with energy.
Set a daily goal. Look at the big picture, where do you want to be and what do you need to do to get there? Break it down over the amount of time you would like to have achieved it and create a list of DAILY goals. STOP doing second things, first. JUST DO IT.
Life is supposed to be a mission, not an intermission! Define your life purpose, figure out your WHY. Then take ACTION>CAUSE>EFFECT>DIRECTION>Shape your destiny. LIVE IN ACCORDANCE WITH YOUR PURPOSE!!

Believe in your ability to make a difference. Are you operating everyday with maximum belief? Paul D. Cummings gives us the level 10 guidelines:
1. I will be on time at all times (this is my bad spot!)
2.I will maintain a positive attitude at all times.
3. I will support my teammates at all times.
4. I will be the most enthusiastic person in the room at all times (so very easy for me)
5.I will operate with level 10 energy at all times.
6.I will seek to expand my knowledge and skill at all times.
7. I will work to the best of my ability,
8. I will operate with unbridled passion at all times.
9. I will do what is in the best interest of my team at all times.
10. i will seek to make a difference to everyone in attendance at all times.

The products we have are revolutionary...we are changing the health world and opening doors we never thought we could. Our Ultimate Body Applicator is only one of the fabulous products we offer. Changing the world from a Pharmaceutic world to a nutraceutic is not easy but together we can make a huge impact. Over 106,000 people die every year in the US from adverse side effects from their medication. What if you were able to change just one life? Would your live be worth it? Mine would. I know for a fact I've made a bigger dent than that. With that being said I'm asking you to follow suit, believe in yourself and put your wings on! Lets take the journey together!

Passion prevails when everything else fails..<3

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


So during every life, every business opportunity, every relationship there is always...what? A ROADBLOCK. There is something getting in the way of your full capability... whether it be a childhood issue or an adult insecurity. You will face more than one roadblock during your challenge with It Works, Perhaps your issue is "Im shy" or maybe "Right now, Im just in a very hard spot in life". Well, sista--trust me, I get you-- people go thou things...times get tough, relationships get hard, they fall apart. I've heard EVERY excuse, Ive met every challenge, every issue....we all have them...LIFE IS ROUGH.

You're challenge is... What is stopping me? Why am I Afraid? (Grab a pen and follow along). Today is about..changing YOUR beliefs. (Mind you, it's 1:04 in the MORNING...and after celebrating the STEELERS win..i am still feeling the pull in my heart to tell you please, take the time to take me seriously.)

Establishing your belief: Well, let me start with telling you MY belief in our company: I have found a product that can change lives, that can relate in a way no human can. I can cure ailments, I can spot reduce.. I can stabilize blood sugar, ease diabetes, Aile in arthritis, lower blood pressure..cure, naturally.I have the ability to heal.

On to the company: I have been around for 10 years, I come from the U.S.A! I have turned myself into the ultimate job opportunity. I am now known by the people, trusted by the people and founded by determined. Think about it, we are now a part of the best...we have been "grand-fathered" in by the beginning of May-Kay, AVON, Arbon...the beginning stages of the BEST of the beauty world.

MY BELIEF IN YOU: I believe, we can do anything. We can survive on our own, we can care for our children without father, without second income. I believe we can be a part of the revolution. I believe we can own our boat. Here's something to write down and answer: What did you come to achieve? What did you expect to get? What do YOU believe you can accomplish??

I know a few things... you have a  strong leadership team behind you, BEGGING for more work...we want to share the wealth with everyone possible..we want to put our wings on..and MAKE A DIFFRENCE,

There are a few different things between you and I (perhaps--you may be one of my leaders reading this right now, if so I encourage you to scream HELL YA!) The momentum wheel: BELIEF=ACTION=RESULTS-CERTAINTY.

So...lets say you have these negative beliefs.."i cant do it" "i don't think I know" "I dont have the time." "I can't talk to new people.", "I dont know the products", "I've already spoken to all the people I know." ,"I CAN'T!"
some of you may have the negative beliefs AFTER you sign up (i did!) some of you may be avoiding signing up because you do...Well, why the self doubt? Why the excuses? Why are you limiting yourself & NOT taking MASSIVE ACTION? Cmon! Empower yourself, Do what they said you couldn't, The more belief you have the more action you take the more momentum you gain the more power you have! SHOW ME SOME HEART!  What do you know? This is a GREAT way to start your financial freedom, this is a NEW huge opportunity...changing the way we think! YOU CAN DO ANYTHING!

Do me a favor....write down a few things that are possible if you let go of your negative beliefs. I realized mine during a CRUSH IT event: I CA ACHIEVE FINANCIAL FREEDOM, I CAN BE MY OWN BOSS, I CAN OWN A NEW HOUSE, I CAN BUY A NEW CAR, I WAS BORN TO LEAD! 

Tell yourself, in-vision a change.. your consciousness is key. I WILL NOT FAIL. I WILL MAKE THAT DOUBLE DIGIT PAYCHECK! Ask youself what you already know, what can change YOUR life today?

Remember...what you seek, you shall find. What I've done in my past will not matter if I can't do anything for you RIGHT NOW. We've already broken records got this. Love you, xo <3

Monday, November 8, 2010


One of the joys of having a blog is that it allows me to put my abstract, out of control thoughts into one area. I've had a few blogs in the past and would get letters from friends and strangers thanking me for a daily laugh, some motivation or simply just being honest. At this moment, I'm going to pull the honest card. I received a message this morning that I was spreading rumors about Don Stump, Lifestyles head hancho. Now, I can only guess who would be so inclined to read this blog and pass information forward, that of one who has failed on many on many attempts to run a successful-well, anything. SO I feel the need not only to take my first bow at offending a local with my so-called "made up" well as a little dance for being important enough for people who don't even care about me to read! Weeew! (This is a little clue on why I named my company Talk About It <--if people are booing you, if you're getting're doing something right in most cases. Today, I in fact am right.) Here is the message I received:

It was brought my attention that you started a blog and it mentioned Don's name, so of course I read it. Just thought you should know that he has NOT been indited and will not be indited. That is defimation of character when you say things about people that are untrue, so you should be careful what you are posting and get your facts right before making assumptions. 
I understand that your departure from Lifestyles did not go the way we had all orignially planned, but it goes both ways and we would not wish ill will on you and what you are doing with your career and life at this point, and would appreciate if you did not spread rumors about us too. 
Just my thoughts.

Well, I of course took the liberty to turn the hearsay into research. Of course, I would not want to slander someones name if it were in fact NOT true. So as I prepared to apologize (even though I have witnessed the practices held within the lifestyles company, I will apologize if I were in the wrong.) Here is what I found:

Well, there's my apology. It Works team, I hope you got a laugh because this did not give you ANY valuable information, other than your leader is telling you the truth! More tonight, after 2 HUGE wrap parties!

Sunday, November 7, 2010


You know, I used to be a personal trainer. I used to LIVE in the gym. It was fulfilling for me to coach people into being able to change their lives--there was one problem. I could stand behind you while you ran, day in and day out on the treadmill. I could spend HOURS of my life telling you not that, eat this.. read this book, drink this shake and buy these dvds. Yes, my client-el would see results but it was never as easy as they thought and in some cases it was physically impossible. I had a deep longing for more. I looked into aerobics instruction, I tried being a beach body coach (again, with the shake..and after more research found that the product I was selling you, wasn't really any good at all). I still spent countless hours at the gym, creating relationships. When I was forced to resign by the now indited Don Stump of Lifestyles For Ladies Only (we'll go there another day) my world was turned upside down. All my ladies, all my hours--all the tears I have shared, relationships I had built--gone. POOF! Just like that. No, I didn't have a plan B.

I spent the next few months networking--mastered some of my greatest achievements and some how made it month to month on odd end jobs. My grandfather was right, I was going to end up drawing comics for the Toledo Blade-- at this point, that seemed like a pretty damned good job to me. Lucky for me there was something lurking around the corner, something that would change my life forever.

I finally made the call. I had seen her vacations posted all over facebook, her achievements and aspirations--Carrie had successfully built herself to one of the top spots in Pure Romance. I decided that no matter what, I needed to do something for me and now was my time. Boy was Papa going to be mad at me, now i'm selling vibrating "dolls" yeah, I could just imagine the dinner conversation and the shunning. Carrie answered her phone and abruptly told me NO. NO is not something I like hearing... but before I could get upset she went on to tell me she had found something amazing.. and I should trust her. Trust her I did (and thank GOD). I paid my $199 to become an It Works distributor.

Josh and I came home from a night on the town and thought, what the hey...lets try one of these wrap thingys and see if it really DOES work. Well ladies & gents, Im sure you can figure it out-- IT WORKED. I lost 4 and 1/4 inches with my first body applicator & Josh--just shy of 3 inches. The next morning.. I awoke to a whole new world.

My mind rattled with thoughts: Do you understand what we have here? I now have motivation, hope-- health... a MIRACLE! This whole time I had been longing for something I could share with the world. Something to make it a better place, healthier place--too many times had I seen the pain and suffering in the eyes of the unhealthy--desperate, alone and out of hope.  It Works has allowed me to become the vessel of hope I had always wanted to be. Together we are changing the course of many lives... not only physically (15 inch loss in Fayetteville, NC say whhaaaat!!!) but financially as well. I have had the opportunity to put my wings on. 

My WHY is for everyone else. My WHY isn't mine at all... its every life I come into contact with that I have the ability to change in one way or another. Its all the beautiful, valued relationships that make my why. You reading this, are a part of my why. The ability to stand on my own two feet and hold a few others up while at WHY.  My drive? Yeah, that could take a lot longer than I have to spare right now but lets call it-- HaHa Papa, looks like I wont be drawing in the Toledo Blade but bet your bottom right, I'll be on the cover!

Whats your WHY? If your why isn't strong enough to make you cry---you might need to keep searching. It is your why that will give you the power to think beyond yourself, to get up and manage your business in an effort to help everyone, to make a difference. 

When you run a business that is NOT about me me me... you will have great success. When you change someones life everyday you will have great success. When you get up and repeat you will have great success. 

I often get asked "How'd you do it?" my answer to you is.. I just did. Make today the day you inspire someone else. Make today the day you promise to stop DREAMING about it and just DO IT.

There is no try; there is do, or do not.

Do all the good you can,
By all the means you can,
In all the ways you can,
In all the places you can,
At all the times you can,
To all the people you can,
As long as ever you can!